Wife cheated next steps reddit

Last UpdatedMarch 5, 2024


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It does not literally mean porn. She left her second phone home when she left for work. 5. Welcome to Surviving Infidelity. On November 17th we had dinner with her parents and he got brought up in the most casual of ways. He had a break down when my wife cheated on him with his (also male) best friend. The #1 subreddit for Brits and non-Brits to ask questions about life and culture in the United Kingdom. I married my best friend last year. Since we both lived and went to school in the same area as our university there was no need to split up upon graduation. That’s called gaslighting, a common technique cheaters do. My wife cheated on me while I was hospitalized. Tell him it's been 3 months, and 4 is your limit on the silent treatment. 2 kids, one teenager and one toddler. I love her, don't want to loose her, and don't suspect she's ever cheated on me before. That being said, if she wants to go, let her go. I’m crushed. Lana answered the door in her lingerie, nearly out of breath. Well if you take out the feelings, cheating doesn't factually change anything. The best way I can try and unpack our relationship in a nutshell is we were really good "friends" and got a long great. [Update] Ex is regretting her choices, it seems. We had a perfect life and my wife cheated. There was purposeful deflection and deception going on for the specific purpose of concealing her activity from the OP. My wife cheated on me and when I confronted her she laughed at me. We just bought a house 8 months ago. Posted by u/christianalt - 42 votes and 55 comments What you need to do is serve consequences and expose her affair to both your family and friends. My Wife of Two years is cheating on me. I found out by snooping on her phone one night, when she fell asleep before me, and the messages were all there. She cheated on me with her best friend, and after multiple attempts of extending my love, grace and forgiveness to her she is refusing to stop communication with the individual she cheated on me with. Edit: couple clarifications. There is no single reason why a woman cheats (or a man). I know that, even now. Been together for 8 years and the cheating happened in the last 3 months. Being cheated on usually causes a type of PTSD. Wife cheated, I let someone close to her know. But our long term goals and ideals didn't line up. We were supposed to get married next month. Cheating on you, being with Amanda was more important to your wife than your marriage. My wife and I are high school sweethearts, married young (20) and have been married almost 25 years. As soon as your wife leaves you to move in with her affair partner, she will see the reality of the situation. Kick her out and file for divorce. First was clearly the infidelity. I just need a place to write down everything that has happened and hopefully get some advice on what to do next. I was actually impressed with myself on how I handled it the first day because I typically think so low of myself, but I can’t get it out of my head today. It wasn't until a few weeks later that I came upon a mountain of indisputable photo and video evidence that she had been cheating on me for several months. My husband and I have been married for 5 years A place to get personal things off your chest. The excitement and feelings she has for him will fade, and most likely fade fast. Hey everyone. Tell his wife and get your ducks in a row with a lawyer before confronting your wife. if she is hurt by you putting this information out there, she brought it on herself. TL;DR: Ex is still with the AP but is messaging me to tell me that she wishes she had gone about things differently, and that she misses us being a family. Let me say this: After 3 months, your wife comes to you with a fully formed plan to leave. As with all cheaters she messed up. If you're here, it's because you are surviving, or have survived, infidelity in a relationship that you thought was life-long. If you don't, she will and she will likely put you in a negative light if you get the story out first, you control the narrative. Before all of this happened, we had no issues with cheating, or any big fights. She had the guy in her phone under a woman's name. Keep the evidence and let those who matter to you know what happened. do NOT tell her about it. I live five minutes away from where I was working. When I confronted her, she confessed and I was completely devastated, it was a huge surprise and a terrible shock. We both know how infidelity can burn people to the ground, and neither one of us would be capable, at this point, of doing that to the other one. My ex had been sleeping with a married man (always said she was a lesbian but). Worked very hard to be where I am. We went from not talking at all to talking every day out of nowhere. I texted Lana on the way home that I would be there soon. She said, "I own it - tell whoever you want". We have two small children and when she found out she moved out. Background: I met my now Wife 12 years ago when I was in college, when we met we instantly clicked. She claimed that she had simply fallen out of love with me. She lied a lot. Day zero. Essentially what the title says. Vent/Rant/FML. I decided to take the high road and just Met in year 2000, got married in '03 die to a surprise pregnancy. You need to show her consequences for her decision to have sex and fall in love with her co worker. She has come to this decisions with a therapist who advised her not to tell you that she cheated. Small summary: wife of 6YR (8YR together) cheated on me 5 months ago, told me she wanted a divorce because she wasn't happy with me and basically left me to be with the AP. I will be sure to update you all. One day while out on the job, I had a panic attack because of everything going on and decided to go home early. . Once I discovered this, I took some time to process this information. Hello r/india I don't visit this frequently and rarely posted or commented here. I (40m) just found out (2 hours ago) my wife (45f) has been cheating on me. Over the years I kept pressing because I knew in my gut that there were more. Long story short: Wife suddenly demanded a divorce after 18 years of marriage. I was shocked, obviously. She a beautiful and smart woman, she is so wonderful to be around. Me (40m) got cheated on by wife (38 f) and I’m beside myself. To say I was devestated would be an understatement. We had the perfect life. Be ready to "speak from your feelings," as clinical psychologist Supatra Tovar puts it: "State directly how and why you are hurt. And the guys wife. We’ve got young kids. Gf of 8 years cheated unsure of my next steps. What you are feeling is very normal. My wife cheated within a year and a half of us being married and I thought we'd recovered from it. A conversation where all the hard questions will be asked. r/offmychest. We had a rough patch and briefly flirted with divorce a few years back. Going through exact same thing. Think she wants to hear me tell her that I want to fix things, but have no plans of taking her back. I didn’t kick her out of our house, I asked her to stay with parents while we figured the next steps. 4️⃣,try to follow her from a distance and get a staggering proof video , photos … of them , you will need that in court of law . As far as moving and giving up furniture, it really depends on your financial situation. " Other than that, my now ex-wife is the only person I have ever dated. I am 28m and she is 30f. I know because many years ago she cheated on her husband (who was bf at the time) with me, and she told me about her many extramarital adventures. My wife hesitated just . That will only bring trouble and stds. Drop the hammer, shock and awe. We were both supposed to go to a party downtown that night and spend the night at a nearby hotel. That's probably the case. We have two girls, 18f and 11f. Progress. We reconciled, and he never cheated again, but my feelings didn't come back. Thanks for all the advice! Edit: About to be on my way home after a couple meetings. So while cheating sucks, there isn't really an argument to be made that they should be punished lawfully. My lawyer loves me for that, btw. 2 months ago, my[30M] wife [30F] confessed to almost cheating on me. I've been with this woman for over 15 years. •. I (29M) know it has been a while since I last posted here, but I wanted to provide one final update on my story since you were all so helpful during this process. [UPDATE] My wife cheated on me with our sons Baseball coach. My wife of 15 years cheated in the worst way possible. Edit: I plan on talking to my wife tonight when I get home, immediately after I talk with my friend. I apologize in advance this isn’t proof read. My wife cheated on me 6 months ago. We invite users to post interesting questions about the UK that create informative, good to read, insightful, helpful, or light-hearted discussions. I asked her about it and she got a little weird but ended up telling me she used it to play adult games and was really embarrassed about it. Maybe I was naïve. After 14 years of happy and wonderful marriage, my wife - in a 3-month long lapse of judgment - cheated on me (6 weeks EA after a chance encounter (probably not so chance and orchestrated by him), 1 week PA and 5-6 weeks virtual EA ) and my world shook to the core. This is going to be a long post as I haven't updated for about 4 months. ago. She decided that she would go alone and stay the night A place to get personal things off your chest. But I love my son (5) to death and him growing either without a father or mother (my wife is a great mother) is Caught my ex wife (together 8years) in bed with her coworker back in October 2017. From a emotional and psychological POV, that's another different ball game. She couldn't look at me, but eventually told me she had cheated on me that night she left me angry. We've been married for 2+. That's irrefutable. In April '22, I went to the ER, which eventually led to me being hospitalized for a rare form of blood cancer. She told me immediately the morning after. TLDR wife cheated on me then ended her life 2 days after I found out. She wanted half of our savings account and that was it. She cheated because she CHOSE to, not because you were away a quarter of the time. Advice on next steps? Recently saw that my wife had a second Steam account with a sexual username. Ultimately, however, cheating has less to do with you as a partner and more to do with her personal Long story short but I got laid off from a job I really love and a few weeks later my wife cheats on me. Even though she is taking all the rights steps in order to fix her mistake, I feel betrayed and angry with her and I don't know if I get the right to feel that way. 5 seconds longer than normal in her reaction (to her parents) and I KNEW that something was up. Throwaway account because my wife uses Reddit. That is highly illegal, and she would have to pay it back in the divorce settlement. I had suspicions for a while and finally looked at her phone and seen the proof (very graphic proof). You will be there to help in anyway you can with the kids and with him if he ends up splitting from his wife, but that does not mean you support his actions. Turns out she was the serial cheater in the end, lol! Now, the reason your wife is doing it may be one of the following: Welcome to Surviving Infidelity. We are going to sign our divorce papers and make it official 4 days from today. Now I want to leave and I feel guilty. She wants to focus on "what she wants" and wants the space to do that. Engage a divorce lawyer to represent him. She's trying to spin it as a positive for you as well. M & T have a two year old daughter, with another child on the way soon. Wife Cheated and now I Feel Lost. Take every step you can to protect yourself. to512. If your wife just randomly cheats on you with a guy she developed a crush on then there is nothing to fight for, she lost her respect for you, never had any. I’m numb because I heard her phone go off and I assumed she had just left it and we were supposed to meet up for lunch later but when I picked up About a month ago, my wife cheated on me with her ex-boss (he'd left the company the week before). Darth-Flannel. We’ve been together for eight years, and it’s been the most amazing and fulfilling relationship I’ve ever had. Especially if the other guy is sleeping around. I was originally going to post this on a throwaway but whatever. The second was withholding the information for 5 years and trapping you in a marriage that likely would not have happened back then. The guy she did it with just died. Wife cheated, next steps part 2 : survivinginfidelity (reddit. Your relationship needs to be healthy before another person becomes involved. Although you probably need to admit your chose a partner who’s fatally flawed. My Ex was not interested in my House (purchased with first Wife), my retirement account or my stock portfolio. We've been together 14 years, almost 9 married. whether thats in writing, a photo or whatever. At this time, I confronted my wife with the affair, and to my surprise she had no guilt and justified the affair. Cheating is clearly a sign of trouble in the relationship. She is a free woman. It hurts whenever I think about what has happened for the past 7-8 months. There is an ignorance in adultery for those who are inexperienced with it. My wife cheated on me. She is adamant that they didnt have sex but I am just going ahead with the belief that yes they had sex. You don’t want her to stay in a house you are paying for . If I were you, I would 1) Contact a therapist, 2) Contact an attorney, 3) Serve her divorce papers, 4) Heal yourself and move on with your life. The reasons she cheated are still there. This is a support sub, a safe place to ask for advice and guidance. The reason that I write you this is, that you don't see her cheating for what it was and by that, you both also don't treat it for what it was. Own up to your own actions without blaming them on something else, you’re a grown man capable of decision making and owning up to your shit. Protect your finances before the lawyer goes into full swing. " Discovering that your wife has cheated can bring about an unstable emotional state, which marriage and family therapist Moshe Ratson describes as a "roller coaster of emotions. The next morning we woke up and she mentioned something about the guy that made me ask her if she had cheated on me or something. Today I (M27)found out my wife (F25)is cheating on me. My [40f] wife cheated on me, I don't understand why. [AskIndia] I found out that my wife is cheating. Tell your wife you have spoken to a lawyer and ask her to leave the house as you need space to decide what you want. Consequences and exposure kill affairs. but go get a lawyer immediately. I wanted to blow up her relationship with AP by telling his Wife about the affair, but my Attorney told me to play nice until the fog lifted or until the divorce was finalized. And then when he dumped her, she monkey branched to another married co-worker. Update. Wife cheated so I got a Gf. No one ever gets over being cheated on, and everyone heals differently. It's called PISD- post infidelity stress disorder. 9 years down the track and 3 kids later, I found out last year that she'd been dating a co-worker. candlebox1976. My wife has been manipulative, toxic and a complete liar. Now I gotta figure out the next steps of ending this and finding a place to stay with no job. Tell your wife. I actually found out because she went out on her birthday for a supposedly team event, but I found her 150kms south of her actual event. 5️⃣ file for divorce and D’élever the divorce papers to the apartment you rented temporary under her name . Wife (37F) cheated on me (40M). I'll start at the beginning to lay out the context. [39/m] My wife (39/f) of 16 years cheated on me. The next morning I took our family laptop and checked her iPhone backups for evidence. Got caught because he saved her photos in the cloud. We continue, to this day, to talk about what happened and how wrong we were, and it makes our own marriage a heck of a lot stronger. And a month or so later, we had sex. you need support from your friends. When I was cheated on, the love I felt for my husband died. You'll need to understand the problems in order to fix things. I also went into our shared car that she ADMIN MOD. The above are from a legal POV. So, I (NB 21) was cheated on by my now ex-fiancée (F20) with my step-father (M41). My wife cheated on me last night and I'm in shock. Contact a friend and confide in them. Eventually my wife said, "I'm not happy, let's start taking the first steps towards Divorce. All these years of putting her on a pedestal and your love for her is blinding you to the situation. if she asks what you're going to do about it. But that's an entirely different story. Take the time you need until you feel strong enough to have a conversation with your wife. You might feel shame but covering up for her will solely benefit the cheating party. My fiancée (29F) and I(32M) have been together for about seven years now. Six months ago, I learned that my wife had been cheating on me a few months before (because of a message she left for a friend of hers and that I read accidentaly). Both parties in the marriage were contributing to the household (income, labor, mortgage, etc). steps: 1>Force yourself to stay healthy, drink water, exercise, sleep at right timesyou might feel extremely vulnerable, and thats okay. The reason for her cheating is a flaw in her, not you. It wasn't the first time she cheated on me, she had once before cheated on me with one of my male friends but I forgave her and gave her a second chance which I clearly shouldn't have done. But not for her. She is free to date any men she wants… but not as your wife. Kids. com) Anyways, the past few months have been frosty but "relatively" drama free as the stbx and I separated our lives in the house but still did things for our children. I blame myself to be honest but I'm still hurt and confused. Dogs are healthy and loving life living with my brother and his family. Tell your son, that you love him because he is your son and you always will, however you do not support his actions. It was Complicated :/. She stole your agency to make decisions about your life for so many years. This month has been a punch in the dick. Jun 14, 2022 · The reason she cheated will vary a great deal from woman to woman. Well, she cheated on her husband with 10 different men (and counting). Your best chance is a infidelity specialized marriage counselor. Sorry for your pain. Please don't forget, it is not your toxic friend who cheated on you, it was your wife. She cheated and was in If you want to successfully reconcile, you and her need to accept that she cheated because she enjoyed the flirting and compliments. Many people dont confide in friends because of shame even there is nothing to be ashamed of. It's gonna be long so buckle up. There's a lot to unpack here, and I'm really struggling to identify my own emotions because there's so many layers to this. MOD. The lawyer will guide your friend throughout the process and they're tactful in handling the matter in such situation. My wife (\4XF) of 15 years has betrayed me (\4XM) in the worst way possible. Hard next her and tell her she is moving out and she needs to find another place NOW. It's just not healthy for your psychological well-being to be in the house. She said she was starved for attention which makes sense since I work 60 hour weeks and some guy came into her and she felt She cheated. If you paid for the furniture alone, you have 100% ownership of it. You get it. It hurts too much. On our wedding day I knew that she had cheated one time- that’s all she’d admitted to. We officially get divorced next… I am a 31 yo female. She made a new friend in a hobby of hers (she is a biker) and they got close and kissed, made out. I found out my wife cheated on me yesterday. throwaway_ttt. I also did not leave her alone. Additionally, cheating means different things to different people. Contact the spouse of the affaire partner. Found out she’s slept with a coworker many times over the past few months. Welp, long story short, I literally just caught her at the family condo with the AF and have photos and video of his truck, his belongings in the home, and her coming out of the Master where he stayed behind a closed door. ADMIN MOD. I filed for divorce today. This was a same coworker we were in therapy over about a year ago because she The definition of Revenge porn is the sharing of private, sexual materials of another person without their consent and with the purpose of causing embarrassment or distress. Found out she fucked an old coworker 3 1/2 months ago (she doesn’t know I know). I want to tell her I saw the text, want an explanation, and want her to cut the client out of her life. Long time lurker and first time poster, My story is much like many, I (38m) met my wife (39f) while we were seniors in college. New house. -13. If you're in an at fault state, it means the conditions for her will be much worse than if you were in a no fault state. The person that lied is still there. Ex ruined 3 marriages all at once. Now I am super conflicted. I cheated on my wife (m38,f41) 4 years ago. Perhaps a couple months ago, I recall seeing a casual text exchange of just 2 messages between my wife and a guy named P that she knows through work (he doesn't work in same The next week or two went ok, we talked a lot and I laid out my plans on the steps I was going to take to address these things. 4. Date: March 15, 2022 Just over two years ago my wife cheated on me with a co-worker at her works Christmas party out of town. I discovered it several months ago. Wait until the guilt goes away. Advice on next steps! [R]eddiquette. They met 80 times in 101 days, parking lots, storage unit with a bed in it, even had him to my house when I was giving her space. I can get over her at some point. So he told his wife, who messaged me on Facebook, then called me, sent the screenshots and told me everything. This might lead to some problems with the roommate, ex-girlfriend, etc. So, after telling my Ex (29F) that we were getting a divorce, the gaslighting went into overdrive. Try getting proof that she is cheating. At year 10 of our marriage she admitted to having cheated twice (before we Archeronas. Ask her if she wants to be with you. First speak to a lawyer to see where you stand. I have been married to my wife for 5 years this summer and together for 10 years this fall. The woman I cheated with is now my wife and mother of my two kids. Make sure you ask your lawyer how best to handle the finances. I cheated on her last summer with a guy that I had known for a few years just as a friend. We had an odd night that friday, not really arguing, but there was tension. AITA? Editing this post for an update, I still get the odd request looking for an update, and I'm seeing another post here with eerily similar circumstances, so here it goes, truthfully this whole update might not flow that well as most of this isn't that recent and the details aren't r/GriefSupport. Definitely not how you want to approach this. Maybe family or a friend that just isn't a close friend yet. Life was hard on the both of us and we were miserable. -) Follow every instruction your lawyer gives you. She cheated on you and risked the best thing that she had, according to what you wrote. RelationThrowaway224. Regardless of your decision to stay in your relationship or to go, we are here to support you on your path to recovery. You do not want a wife who flees with all the cash. People reconcile. • 2 yr. One time and it was very anticlimactic. Our babysitter became unavailable and I needed to stay home with our kiddo (5 years old). Final Update: Wife Cheated After 13 Years Together. There were two sins here. I went up there that Friday to see her. Wife (32) has been having an affair with our next door neighbor for 5 months. I run a small engineering firm and make more then enough to live a happy, comfortable and also few luxuries. If not then your marriage isn’t going to work. ThisSuggestedName. Edit: I think I need your help, Reddit, more than ever. This wasn’t you being drunk, and almost making a mistake. I love my wife more than anything and I think you should tell your husband it's obvious that your cheating has caused an extreme amount of damage, but that you aren't going to wait around for much longer to find out if he has any interest in fixing things. You can either feel "right and justified" in the short term (and maybe blew your case) or you can be happy and free in the longterm. I’m posting because I just need to get my thoughts out of my head and I’m choosing to put them here. I want to say I am not a great husband I have many issues but I try my best. A place for sharing the for-better and for-worse of marriage. Recently, I just found out she has been cheating on me with a younger coworker since 2018. Not for opinions, not for relationship advice, and not for preaching. Sharing someone posing in a sexually provocative way without their consent is considered revenge porn. I regret it to this day and I have never done anything since. newbeginnings1017. TL:DR. Protect your finances. She is no longer the wife you once married, she showed you what she is capable of and you need to ask yourself seriously if you still want to live your life with that woman by your side, knowing that she is capable of cheating on you, giving up on your marriage even if it was just for a moment. Or shes just easy or easy manipulated,who knows only he knows her but he needs to be head on a swivel about history. I just feel crappy, insecure, emasculated and don't know what to do. My (32M) Wife (30F) cheated on me with one of my employees. Wife [37f] cheated on me [37m] 2 years ago and we worked through it. Jun 7, 2024 · Speak to your wife about your feelings. 13. Meanwhile, she had been spending a lot of time after work with her two male coworkers (M & R), as well as M and his wife T. qu jl fv ih qa ey ih xf jb zd