Diagnosed with inattentive adhd reddit

Last UpdatedMarch 5, 2024


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I was recently diagnosed with inattentive adhd and I’m 37. Hello ADHD members. He was just diagnosed with inattentive ADHD two weeks ago and started medicine. Having a really similar experience to what you are explaining (granted, not exactly the same). I have two young kids. he put me on 10mg adderall and that calmed me down like i could actually think, my brain wasn’t Newly diagnosed 6F ADHd - inattentive type So our main issues are constant reminders to do basic things, emotional dysregulation (meltdowns) and transitioning without a fight. I hope your psych realises she’s an idiot. Inattentive ADHD(ADD)+OCD. Just over a year ago I was diagnosed with ADHD-PI ("primarily inattentive"). It very well could be just a normal reaction to taking a break day, but sometimes even just one day of sleeping all day can kick start a downward slope of depression that is ADHD paralysis, imposter syndrome, easily overwhelmed, rejection sensitivity, panic when planning changes, always late to anything scheduled, prone to burnout, social anxiety, not being able to read a book that’s not extremely interesting, finishing books, lots of creative ideas or new hobby’s but never able to execute because always impulsivity (specifically my driving & making decisions). Until recently, ADHD was primarily a disorder diagnosed in “hyper little boys”. I went from a struggling student to getting multiple degrees and being an extremely successful professional. I recently started (3 weeks ago) on elvanse and have found it incredible for my focus and motivation. I developed OCD as a coping mechanism for my ADHD. Stimulants are the standard given for ADHD. Also, AD&D could correctly refer to both 1977/79's AD&D (aka first edition) or 1989's AD&D 2e. He can’t fall asleep, he can’t stay asleep. I’m surprised by this. After years of being called lazy or selfish, various other similar insults, I just got into that same mentality, that I was selfish, lazy and just overall sucked. Its generally not that bad of a condition (I have adhd and anxiety myself). I did a lot of cognitive testing and answered some questionnaires. But I also work with someone who clearly has undiagnosed ADHD and anxiety and trying to hold a conversation with her can be painful. Some frequent comments directed my way are as follows: I have inattentive ADHD, and I was just diagnosed a month ago at the age of 44. Somehow i am too sceptical to begin with meds. Diagnosed with anxiety disorders as a teenager. Good thing my research area is one of my special interests/hyperfixations. We are just starting to formulate a plan of meds, counseling, or both. Just take ur medications on time and always do a breathing exercise before prayers so u don't get distracted or feel anxious. and if i can, i would like to hear your experiences with medication so that i can decide if it might be a Those who are officially diagnosed with inattentive ADHD and are high functioning - do your parents feel you exhibited the symptoms when you were a child? General Question/Discussion My family doctor understandably will not prescribe ADHD medication without an official diagnosis, but the assessment (through a different clinic) will cost me r/ADHD. Getting so overwhelmed by a sense like noise that when there’s too much you get majorly irritable and shut down. We encourage you to check out our Medication, Diagnosis, and Hormones Megathread if you have any questions related to those topics, and to stick around in that thread to answer folks’ questions! We're an inclusive, disability-oriented peer support group for people with ADHD with an emphasis on science-backed information. I cried tears of relief and self compassion all day yesterday and Ive only just stopped.     r/ADHD. Scored full marks for inattentive, zero for hyperactivity. Diagnosed with what is now called ADHD Inattentive in 1986. We all have the same ADHD. I always felt ADHD fit me better than BPD, but every time I tried to get diagnosed with ADHD, I was told the ADHD symptoms were “because of my severe depression and anxiety. I've completed most of the undergraduate math curriculum from a very demanding math department, but I've found that I am an average student at best regarding GPA and I'm lucky to not have failed. We get a lot of posts on medication, diagnosis (and “is this an ADHD thing”), and interactions with hormones. Edit to add: you'll still need to see a psychiatrist for an ADHD diagnosis though. My need to be insanely organized (my doc says it’s my way for making up for my completely disorganized mind). Currently completing my studies with a recent diagnosis of Inattentive ADHD. Try talking to the school about a 504 plan, it allows your son to get special accommodations based on what you think he needs like say, extra time on tests. That being said, I know quite a few (including myself) who experienced childhood trauma and have been or are being diagnosed with (adult) adhd. "ADD" often manifests internally - it‘s an internal restlessness that often can‘t be spotted from the outside. Though due to budget concerns, I've started to take it on demand. The descriptions of the presentations are there to help make sure more people who need it get a diagnosis of ADHD. Hi :) I have ADHD-Inattentive type. Feels great to finally have a chance of living a so called normal life. We recommend browsing /r/adhd on desktop for the best experience. Inattentive ADHD is most common in girls and is amplified during puberty. Therapist always says I am obsessive, rigid etc and during my ADD screening they noted that I had extremely above average traits of OCD (and schizoid PD funnily) , but since they didnt test for it, they referred me to a different place. And my personal life saver is my bullet journal. He will soon see a psychologist. But since the rise of Tik Tok and increase in mental disorders since the pandemic/lockdowns, more and more people (especially adults) are getting diagnosed primarily with the inattentive type. 25f recently diagnosed with inattentive adhd, GAD, and major depression. Questions/Advice/Support. Share your stories, struggles, and non-medication strategies. When I reconvened with my psychiatrist, we went over them. Being told you’re very mature for your age, but it’s mainly because you sit quietly as your brain spirals and jolts. I went into the appt not quite sure that I had it, but afterwards I was convinced. 2. I’m diagnosed with inattentive adhd and he’s too young (per his doctor) but we are working on getting him in therapy. Symptoms of ADHD and depression and anxiety often overlap. Hi u/Barbzzz-253 and thanks for posting on r/ADHD! Please take a second to read our rules if you haven't already. ADHD Treatment in the PH? How to get ADHD diagnosis in Cebu? Psychiatry check up & therapy cost PH Concerta and Ritalin are the only medications allowed in the Philippines. Also, pressing ears open and closed in loud rooms. This form of ADHD is for me highly allusive in the ways that it disguised itself as other things before I was officially diagnosed many years back. He said he doesn’t want a divorce but he also is in a fog/can’t We're an inclusive, disability-oriented peer support group for people with ADHD with an emphasis on science-backed information. She can tell i have symptoms however i dont know if she has ever heard of inattentive type. From speaking to my psych and coach, what you have described all seem to be very common in people with ADHD, and depression and anxiety are also very common disorders to have alongside ADHD as well. I have spent the last year or so finally deciding that maybe something was wrong with me. Thank you! My four year old is a mini version of myself. I think that inattentive ADHD is harder to diagnose because it‘s not as obvious as impulsive/hyperactive ADHD. As an adult: Work task management and deadlines were such a struggle until I hyperfixated on being organized (for the tenth time). Anybody who was in a similar situation and felt better after taking meds? Update - I went to a doctor today who diagnosed me with OCD rather than ADHD- Inattentive. We're an inclusive, disability-oriented peer support group for people with ADHD with an emphasis on science-backed information. One of whom had been diagnosed recently and one who thought she had it. Diagnosed with Inattentive ADHD at 20, but feeling guilty. He says my ADHD is a secondary symptom and not primary all I display all classic symptoms of Executive dysfunction. •. Good luck friend. am i able to get a prescription for medication? i was just diagnosed with General Anxiety disorder and provisional ADHD inattentive type. I went all through my high school and college forgetting deadlines, procrastinating, and just having an overall difficultly in school. pluviophilosopher. She was officially diagnosed with a mild form of narcolepsy very recently, so it makes me wonder if that that was also something I could’ve inherited along with the ADHD. I’m 33, and words can’t describe how relieved I am to have received this news. However the last category, Processing Speed, is what interested Disassociated a lot by going outside and dancing by myself, hiking solo, etc. The "inattentive" designation puzzled me because it didn't seem like ADHD, but it also explained why I went undiagnosed for so long. Been on medication ever since. Any other cis men experienced a late diagnosis of inattentive ADHD following years of apparent treatment-resistant chronic depression and severe social anxiety, all while navigating the challenges of growing up gay in a small town, grappling with profound shame and internalized homophobia that you still hang on to, alongside low self-esteem and a complete lack of self-identity, compounded by I went through Kaiser NorCal, and today was my feedback appointment where they diagnosed me with Inattentive ADHD. Sertraline(zoloft) - prescribed. The one experience I think I can't relate to is the concept of hyper-focus. • 10 mo. At the end of the day, for kids, ADHD is diagnosed using mainly input of teachers and parents for two reasons: Kids are bad at expressing their feelings completely ADHD medications are controlled and considered addictive So when prescribing to a kid, or giving a diagnosis to a kid, you need to be 200% sure. They also said I have been misdiagnosed with bipolar for the past 3ish years. My life started to make so much more sense when I started to look into the symptoms of inattentive ADHD, so it feels extremely validating to have it To add more confusion, some people will use ADD to refer to inattentive-type ADHD (as it doesn’t have the hyperactivity part) while calling combined and hyperactive ADHD, ADHD. Sent to anger management at school. In my personal ADHD experience: If you compulsively seek pleasurable activities. Diagnosed with OCD and Inattentive ADHD. While there's aspects of my life that are a total mess (mostly my finances, to be honest), objectively of my life is quite Three of us have been diagnosed with Inattentive ADHD in the past year and a fourth person now strongly suspects she has it too. Just start small. I’m someone who suffers with inattentive ADHD. I am not really sure how I feel about the diagnosis and wanted to unpack the feelings here and see if anyone else had gone I have a provisional Inattentive ADHD diagnosis. Girls are also less diagnosed because they often feel more social pressure to perform well in school. I'm recently diagnosed with inattentive ADHD which makes my life make more sense. Lack of focus, bad-to-middling grades in school even in subjects I was "stronger" in, forgetfulness, daydreaming, etc. The final result was that I have autism spectrum disorder and adhd inattentive type. when i first got diagnosed a month ago, my psychiatrist started me with concerta which was like a sedative for me and then eventually led me to depersonalize and hallucinate. More people need to be aware of inattentive ADHD : r/ADHD. Medication definitely helps me focus and keep my head in the game at work. Usually I'm a bit below average, and for math PhD apps that is Sorry if this post sounds ignorant, I was just diagnosed in December. ” . i was wondering if i would be able to get a prescription for the ADHD with this type of diagnosis. After a multi-month Neuro-psych evaluation process, the psychologist diagnosed me with Inattentive ADHD (ironically enough, while we were on the Zoom call I was scrolling through Amazon) and a few other things. The mental categories in the test that I scored low in were Cognitive Flexibility, Simple Attention, Executive Function, and Processing Speed. This may include food, video games, sex, drugs, or excessive masturbation (This does not mean you have ADHD, just that you have a penis. Please respect our Community Guidelines and refer to the Rules for more info: 1. She said the first 3 were common categories for those with ADHD to score low in. Bone_Dice_in_Aspic. Hello there. The treatment is more therapy sessions (I don’t want those and these are expensive) and an SSRI to treat OCD (Paxil). About 2 weeks after that virtual session, I had an in-person session which was about 4 hours. If you can't run, then start walking. We encourage you to check out our Medication, Diagnosis, and Hormones Megathread if you have any questions related to those topics, and to stick around in that thread to answer folks’ questions! Exercise: Exercising reduces ADHD symptoms. Can confirm though that I was diagnosed with primarily inattentive type ADHD in 2020 at age 33. I was diagnosed in my 20s, but the descriptors you share about yourself fit me to a T. Most of these reddit threads are either from 3-4 years ago, or the comments don't rlly give an in-depth answer sa tanong ko - pero baka nga makakatulong sa inyo. Originally I didn't think that Bupa would cover this which is why individual-person. I thought for the longest time I was dumb, lazy or couldn’t grasp a concept. If there's one way I can put it, makalat talaga akong tao since time immemorial, and people who are "put-together" or thrive on being put-together have tended to label me as lazy, chaotic, etc. Talking to medication management doctor for adderall without looking like I'm just drug seeking? I am currently in the middle of a dysautonomia diagnosis, and have found many articles stating that adderall could help reset my nervous system ( plus the added benefit of Diagnosed with OCD and Inattentive ADHD. I am pissed. You have ADHD, and your so-called attachment issue is you hyper-fixating on this friend. 21. My neuropsychological testing was for both ASD and ADHD so it might not be the same just for ADHD, but usually they interview a person (not the same age as you, could be a teacher, parent, grandparent, aunt/uncle, older siblings) who knew you in childhood for this exact reason. 5 years back in my late 30s. ago. Two days ago, I had my first ADHD screening appointment where they they took down a brief hx and asked me about my current ADHD symptoms. A lot of what I see out there focuses on guys with hyperactive adhd or women with inattentive type. r/ADHD. I don’t know if anyone else feels like this, but I find it weird being a guy with inattentive adhd. and is often present from a young age. I listen to so many podcasts on ADHD and have found them immensely helpful in “hacking” some of the more challenging aspects of ADHD along with just feeling like I am not alone. As much as bipolar diagnosis helped me make sense of my moods, the ADHD inattentive stuff is so frighteningly close to my life experience that it scares me. Ive been able to maintain a full-time job and a couple classes in college with the help of these meds and my quality of life is much better (minus the sleeping problems) I haven't personally tried it but Wellbutrin is supposed to be good for adhd, might be worth a try. Yes. First Ritalin of progressively increasing doses for 5 years, then Adderall (20 mg) for the past 30 years or so. So yes, meds are appropriate for inattentive ADHD. For adults, it's more relaxed. Im still somewhat in denial about it. Im 21 diagnosed by a psychiatric NP around 20 y/o. Self advocating to get it looked at was, I think, and will be, the best thing ive ever done for my I thought getting diagnosed and getting on Ritalin would be a life saver, and in some ways I feel so validated and the medication does seem to help me rationalise and also has decreased anxiety (was originally just diagnosed GAD), but a lot of the time I keep flipping back to the “you’re just lazy it’s not ADHD” mindset even with a formal diagnosis. Vyvanse is promising pharmacologically speaking, and more dopaminergic than Adderall so this may assist with insomnia via not increasing Noradrenaline as potently. Stimulants do get people high and some people enjoy that high, however like any intoxicating substance the short term high is sacrificing long term well being and health. Nearly a million and a half users say they 'feel at home' and IT ALL MAKES SENSE!!!! (inattentive-type ADHD) Seeking Empathy / Support. That said, males are generally more often diagnosed with any sort of ADHD disorder. Also adhd is a developmental disorder and trauma does cause changes to our brain-chemistry and -structure. Just try to make sure it doesn't get in the way of remembering Allah. I’ve found a non-stimulant called Atomoxetine aka Straterra that works for me with no negative side effects. A community for Indian Medical Students and Practitioners (under- and post-graduates) to discuss and share their opinions, tips, study recommendations, memes, and to help upcoming Medical students ease their transition into the field of medicine. I dont really know what inattentive adhd looks like. Doing simple tasks in a much more complicated way. I started medication a month ago and have noticed a difference, but it wasn’t only the medication it was also the small organization/schedule that helped. But everyone with a Dx has ADHD, which comes with variations in executive function that can result in a myriad of different specific issues. My meds have been life altering, but additionally so has the community. I think a lot about what could happen if When my diagnosis was sent to my gp, my gp put down adhd without hyperactivity which made me double check the diagnosis. Adult ADHD, how has a late diagnosis affected your life? : r/ADHD. I’m diagnosed with the inattentive type. So id love to hear more about your symptoms and life experiences revolving around inattentive adhd! An ADHD coach can help, check for certification with PAAC. Been passed from pillar to post for as long as I can remember. Nearly a million and a half users say they 'feel at home' and 'finally found a place where people understand them'. I was convinced it was solely my fault for my shortcomings. In some ways I'm really grateful that I got diagnosed late in life, because I think I would have used it as an excuse to fail otherwise. And surprised that other people suggested I was autistic before my ADHD test. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, predominantly inattentive type is more commonly diagnosed in women than males. I wanted to ask how is it possible to get diagnosed with inattentive adhd? Today for the first time i went to psychiatrist and she isnt sure if i have ADHD. I’m aware that autism presents differently in women, but only relate to a Stimulants work for all types, perhaps best for the inattentive portion because the increased focus basically reduces all those symptoms significantly, sometimes to almost none, while the hyperactive portion seems to just lesson somewhat (individual experiences vary). Reply reply. It finally clicked to me when I joined a conversation with 2 female friends discussing their ADHD life experience. I don't know if it's especially common for people with inattentive adhd but there is definitive a connection between adhd and anxiety. I have a some anxieties developed because of my adhd like the fear of forgetting things, doing things wrong and making mistakes in general. This has been since birth. Seeking Empathy. I‘m diagnosed with OCD and ADHD inattentive type. ”. ADHD looks very different in different folks and stereotypes like these can do more harm than good. I have insurance through Bupa so reached out to them 2 weeks ago and today after my 2nd appointment with a consultant psychiatrist I was given the diagnosis. In the past I have been diagnosed with both, as well as a mood disorde Hello all! I was diagnosed with ADHD Inattentive type last week, at the age of 31 after struggling much more over the last 6 months (but also all my life), with basic task and activities and feeling very overwhelmed and (finally) went to see a psychiatrist about it. Hyperactive ADHD, most common in boys, has more noticeable symptoms like talking too much, bouncing in chairs etc. My ADHD makes me sluggish, unmotivated, anxious and the RSD controls my life. Like all psych drugs they were approved based on 4-8 week heavily pro-drug biased studies by the corporations selling them. 10 minutes three times a week is fine. I agree with the above recommendation to trial Vyvanse at various doses. High school is when the pressure really starts and most often it’s where ADHD would finally become noticeable. She asked me what were my concerns growing up/what struggles I had, other personal questions and etc. The whole process was incredibly fast. Just got diagnosed with ADHD inattentive type, currently maintained on Ritalin. The mobile apps used for Reddit are broken or are missing features that this subreddit depends on. indecisiveness: i can not make a decision for the life of me. As others have pointed out someone that specialises in adult ADHD is your best best. Do you have any tips? It would mean the world to me. Officially Diagnosed with ADHD Inattentive Type! General Questions/Advice/Support. Anybody who was in a similar situation and felt better after taking meds? We're an inclusive, disability-oriented peer support group for people with ADHD with an emphasis on science-backed information. Sometimes it feels like the symptoms are a culmination of my bad habits i grew up with. On the hyperactivity part of the interview I scored very high, my partner and mum also confirmed on the questionnaires that I was/am always on the go, especially as a kid/teen/young adult. I play with anything and everything that comes with in my grasp. It’s been tough for me, I’m trying to change things like keeping a schedule, and staying more organized. ” After that ADHD assessment, the doc goes “you don’t have BPD. I'd long suspected I may have ADHD. Here’s some things we’ve noticed: Sleep problems. Sertraline - prescribed. Technically we must also have ADHD as babies, as it’s basically a different kind of brain, but in what scenario would it ever present itself - babies have no responsibility. Everyone is welcome, including non-binary, trans, or any other folks who feel they belong in femme-focused spaces. If you don't have access to a gym (or you don't like lifting), start running. Tried ayurveda- didnt work Taking Meds is my last resort. Sorry I don't know the Melbourne area so can't recommend any. I have inattentive type ADHD and I hate to be treated different because of it. So definitely something to take into consideration. Thank you! Like many here, I am an adult recently diagnosed with Inattentive ADHD and looking back on my childhood, a lot of things make sense. Hm, I am diagnosed with ADHD (without hyperactivity so, the ADD subtype same as you) + Atypical Depression. Hi! I (23) just got diagnosed with Inattentive ADHD. I must have the inattentive subtype. I (20f) have recently started seeing inattention symptoms, hyper-focusing to Hi u/PaintGirlLaLa and thanks for posting on r/ADHD! Please take a second to read our rules if you haven't already. Since being diagnosed I've understood my brain better and better but struggled initially to relate to the stereotypical My wonderful husband who is almost 60-years-old had an emotional crisis earlier this year and separated from me because he felt like his “brain was broken. ) Unable to keep your hands still. Lol my PCP said I couldn't have ADHD bc I have a PhD and am a professor 🙄 I got late dx-d 1. Inattentive ADHD. I was 31. Overstimulation. Finding quiet corners in parties, including my own. I have finally been diagnosed with inattentive adhd. Being forgetful AF and having people say you’re too young for that. Hey, I (34M) also recently diagnosed with inattentive ADHD. Diagnosed at 32 with inattentive ADHD. Was diagnosed inattentive in early 20s but might actually lean more towards overfocused type that Amen Clinics talks about which I don’t think doctors knew about at the time. But guess what, I have to wait 10 weeks to start medication because I told the psychiatrist I smoked weed on the week A safe space for those identify as having both Autism and ADHD - self-diagnosed, clinically assessed or questioning. I was always an academic overachiever who only struggled a bit in topics I wasn’t inherently interested (and I was interested in most things). I’m a 40–something woman who was diagnosed inattentive ADHD in my late 20s during grad school. It was suggested that I test for autism, mostly because it was indicated in the test that my rigidity was high. If you have access to a gym, then start lifting weights. I think what you should do is talk to some people with ADHD and read the symptoms and querks of people on Reddit. So this response is a little messy but maybe you'll find something useful in it. Another approach is a therapist specialized in CBT for ADHDers. The YouTube channel How to ADHD is also super helpful for a self help route! She has lots of tips. co mg uf qe gq ob lp ru fu fa